Student Enrollment
Colleges and Universities deal with high volume of enrolments at various times of the year. These could be for full time courses, short courses, part time courses, etc. Often the data required by the institution is taken from the student completing a paper based enrolment form. The document is then used by relevant Staff to input the data into an existing Student Registry system. A paper driven process in this instance can mean lost paperwork, time consuming and laborious data entry tasks and short timescales in which to complete the necessary paperwork.
Ascot provides automated data capture solutions to a number of education organisations. The completed forms are scanned, automatically indexed and a set of results are produced in a format to allow automatic imports into your existing student enrolment system. This provides a number of immediate business benefits:
Time consuming manual processes are eliminated almost entirely.
Tracking is enabled on the paper forms to ensure that each one provided to a student is returned within the relevant timescale. Escalation processes exist if they are not.
Rules can be applied to the data ensuring accuracy, such as looking up a set of course codes or double checking postcodes entered, etc.
Often, our clients then want to take the process a stage further and provide their students with an online enrolment process. Our solution is able to seamlessly link both a web and paper process together ensuring accurate data capture and reduced overheads for the education client.
Document Management
In Common with every organisation, schools, colleges and universities need to store records both electronically and paper based for referral and compliance. Electronic document management provides many benefits and bankable savings to educational institutions of all sizes.